Thursday 7 April 2016

Black Forest - Germany

Black Forest (German: Schwarzwald, pronounced [ʃvaʁt͡svalt]) is a large forest in the mountains of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg in southwestern Germany series. It is bordered by the Rhine valley to the west and south. Feldberg is the highest peak with a height of 1493 meters (4898 feet). Almost rectangular area with a length of 160 km (99 mi) and breadth of up to 60 km (37 miles).

Black Forest extends from the upper Rhine River in the south to Kraichgau in the north. It is bordered on the west by the upper Rhine plain (which is from the perspective of the natural area, and also includes a series of low hills); in the east as it transitions to the GAO, the bar and the hill country west of Klettgau. Black Forest is the highest part of the southern German Scarplands wooded and many of them are overcrowded. It consists of crystalline rocks of the basement and Bunter sandstone natural border with the surrounding landscape consists of the appearance of muschelkalk, which is absent from the foundation of the Black Forest. Thanks to the soil, which depends on the basic rock fertility, and this line is all of the border vegetation, as well as the border between Altsiedelland ( "the territory of ancient settlements") and the Black Forest, which did not settle permanently until the High Middle Ages. From north to south of the Black Forest stretches for more than 150 kilometers, achieving widths up to 50 kilometers in the south, and up to 30 kilometers in the north. Tectonic extent constitutes a bloc lifted a mistake, and that significantly higher in the west of the Rhine River Plain Supreme, while viewed from the east has the appearance of a dense forest plateau.

Geomorphologically, the main division is between the gentle slopes of East with hills mostly rounded plateaus and large (so-called relief Danube, especially prominent in the north and east of the Bunter sandstone) and deeply incised, and fell sharply terrain in the west to fall in the Rhine Graben the upper river. The so-called Valley of the Black Forest (Talschwarzwald) with relief Rhenanian her. Hence, in the West, where there are the highest mountains and the greatest local variations in height (up to 1000 meters). Valleys are often narrow and Wade like. But rarely basin-shaped. Summit is rounded and there are also remnants of the hills and the terrain like a rocky outcrop in the mountain.

Geology is also clear division between East and West. Large areas of the eastern Black Forest, the lowest layer of the southern German Scarplands composed of Bunter sandstone, covered by coniferous forests seemingly endless trees with their island. The basement is exposed in the West, mostly composed of metamorphic rocks and granite, although the terrain rugged, easier to settle, and it seems more open and inviting a lot of the day with a variety of valleys in a meadow.

The most common method of zoning in the Black Forest, however, from north to south. Until the 1930s, was the division of the Black Forest in the north and south of the Black Forest, the border being a valley line Kinzig. Later in the Black Forest division in the heavily forested northern forests black, low, the central section, and are mostly used for agriculture in the valleys, black East and much higher south of the Black Forest with a distinctive economy highlands ice age and the forest glacial relief. The term of the High Black Forest referred to the finest South and South-East regions of the Black Forest.

The borders drawn, however, is quite different. In 1931, Robert Gradmann called the Black Forest East catchment area of ​​Kinzig in the west section of less Elz and Kinzig tributaries Gutach area. It uses practical division, directed not only on the natural and cultural areas, and cross the most important valleys. Therefore, it is bordered by the Black Forest East by the Kinzig in the north line of the Deir Dreisam area Gutach in the south, corresponding to the area in Bonndorf Graben and the path of this day with 31.

In 1959, along Rudolph Metz previous divisions, and proposed a tripartite division of the same amendment, which combines natural and cultural regional approach, and was used on a large scale. It is bordered his East Black Forest in the north by the watershed between Acher and Rench and then between Murg and Kinzig or Forbach and Kinzig, in the south by the area in Bonndorf Graben, limiting the Black Forest in the east as it does Freudenstadt Graben to the north before turning to the north of the Black Forest .

A Guide to the people of the region and natural in Germany, published by the regional geography Federal Office (BUNDESANSTALT FÜR Landeskunde) since the early 1950s the Black Forest names as one of the six major landscape areas the level of higher education in the region high level of Scarplands southern German and at the same time, one of the nine master unit sets a new scene. It is divided into six so-called main units (level 4 Landscape). The development of this division and modified in several publications Khalifa (1: 200,000 and individual paper map) until 1967, covering each door separately from the map. It was also divided the mountain range into three areas. The northern border of the Black Forest East in this category runs south from the valley Rench and near to Kniebis Freudenstadt. On the southern border will vary with each edition.

In 1998, the Ministry of Baden-Württemberg published State Environmental Protection Administration (today Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Baden-Württemberg for the environment, space and nature protection) Task Force modified natural area of ​​Baden-Wurttemberg. Limited to the level of major regional units of natural and has been used since the State Administration for Nature Conservation.

Black Forest hills (Hoarswald- Randplatten, 150) form a geomorphologically plateaus in the north and north-eastern periphery of the mountains that descend to the Kraichgau in the north and landscapes Heckengäu in the east. And incised by valleys, especially those of the system Nagold River, to interfluves individual. North West narrow finger extends beyond the near ENZ in Neuenburg and also abuts the middle reaches of the garment to the west as far as the point directly above in Ettlingen. To the south and west by the adjacent woods and black Grinden ENZ Hills (Grindenschwarzwald und Enzhöhen, 151), and along the upper reaches of ENZ and Murg, which form the heart of the northern Black Forest. It consists western part of the northern Black Forest to the north of the black Valleys jungle (Nördliche Talschwarzwald, 152) with the middle reaches of the Murg about Gernsbach, and of course East from OOS to Baden-Baden, the middle reaches of the Bühlot above Bühls the upper reaches of the Rench about Oppenau. From the valleys out of the mountain range are all geared towards the northwest.

Middle of the Black Forest (153) is mainly confined to the catchment area of ​​the river Kinzig above Offenburg as well as Schutter and low hills north of Elz.

In the south-east of the Black Forest (Südöstliche Schwarzwald 0.154) and consists mainly of the watershed of the upper reaches of the headstreams Danube regions, and Brigach and BREG, as well as the valleys left side of Wutach North Feiner - thus draining from the north-east of the southern Black Forest. To the south, west and adjacent by the High Black Forest (Hochschwarzwald of 0.155), with the highest peaks in the full range around the Feldberg and Belchen. In the eastern part, the southern Black Forest plateau, is oriented towards the Danube River, but drained through Wutach and robe to the Rhine River. Is the definitive summit of the Southern Black Forest in the west strongly from the Rhine to the many hills. Right on the spot from Wiese above the city of Lörrach table Bunter stone Alerji- rises relatively small Weintenau plateau (Weitenauer Bergland Rotliegendes) in the far south-west of the Black Forest. Morphologically, geologically and climatically it is separate from the other parts of the southern Black Forest and, in this category, also calculated as part of the High Black Forest.

At 1493 meters above sea level (NHN) and Feldberg in the southern Black Forest is the group's highest summit. Also in the same area are Herzogenhorn (1415 m) and Belchen (1414 m).

In the mountains of southern or upper Black Forest are higher than those in the north of the Black Forest. The highest summit of the northern Black Forest Freiborg- Höllental Neustadt Street line is Kandel (1,241.4 m). Such as the highest point in the north of the Black Forest, and Hornisgrinde (1163 m), or south of the Black Forest mountains, monitor, and Schauinsland (1,284.4 m) and Blauen (1,164.7 m) it is located near the western edge of the group.

Since his appearance upper Rhine Graben River during the Eocene era, has uplifted the shoulders of two on both sides: the Black Forest to the east and to the west the regiment. In the center of the volcano Kaiserstuhl which dates back to the Miocene located. In the ages that followed, and the erosion of the Mesozoic platform heights to a large extent, apart from the remnants of the sandstone bunter and rotliegendes, but he survived it within Graben itself. During the modern era occurred bulge clear, but uneven, which affected especially the southern Black Forest, including Feldberg. As a result, the upper surface of the basement in the northern part of the forest around the Hornisgrinde is much lower. In the middle of the Black Forest, Alqaarh appeared Fold concave tectonics of the Kinzig and Murg.

Geological and formed the basis for the Black Forest region of the crystalline base of the basement Variscan. It covers the east and northeast of sandstone slabs bunter, the so-called platforms. On the western edge of the descending, step-like mistake, the foot of the Rhine Graben upper limits, which consists of rocks of the Triassic and Jurassic age area.

Prevailing in the basement gneiss rocks (bone and paragneisses, in the south also Almjmmeltat rocks and diatexites, e. G. On Schauinsland and Kandel). This gneiss was penetrated by a number of granitic bodies during the Carboniferous period. Among the largest of which is Triberg granite and granite Forbach, the youngest is Bärhalde granite. In the south lies Badinuellr- Lenzkirch area, which has been preserved rocks old life (volcanite and sedimentary rocks), which are interpreted as remnants of a collision intercalated microcontinental. Still well in the southeast (about Todtmoos) is a collection of strange inclusions: gabbro from Ehrsberg, Alserbntnat and Alberrocsnet near Todtmoos, norite near Horbach), which are probably the remains of the accretionary wedge of continental collision. It should also be noted basins in rotliegendes, for example Schramberg or basin Baden-Baden, with, thick in places, quartz porphyry and paintings tuff (exposed, for example, on a rock massif Battert near Baden-Baden). Rock rotliegendes thick happens, through bunter covered, as well as in North Dinkelberg mass (several hundred meters thick in the geothermal wells Basel). Beyond that to the south-east, under the Jura, located in the northern Swiss Permocarboniferous basin.

Above the crystalline basement north of the Black Forest and neighboring parts of the Central Black Forest rises sandstone platforms bunter in prominent steps. Most resistant surface layers on the ground, stepped from the highlands grinden highlands around the upper reaches of ENZ, which severely eroded streams from Murg, is the main silicified conglomerate (Middle Bunter). To the east and north are nappes of the upper Bunter (sandstone platten red clay). South Kinzig sandstone area bunter narrows on the sidelines in the eastern part of the mountain range.

And it is proven to be the Black Forest was icy significantly during the peak periods of ice ages and Reese tumor, at least. (Up to about 10,000 years). This glacial geomorphology characterizes almost all the High Black Forest as well as the main ridge of the northern Black Forest. Moreover, it is the only noticeable from a large number of glaciers facing mainly northeast. Especially in this direction snow accumulated on the shaded slopes of the plateau provides a summit of the formation of glaciers Circus short that made the sides of these depressions in the form of repression. There are still some old tarns in the ice, partly as a result of human height of the low side lips of the circus, such as Mummelsee, Wildsee, Schurmsee, Glaswaldsee, Buhlbachsee, Nonnenmattweiher and Feldsee. And Tasty as glacial lake formed behind ice rubble.

Climatically mountain range varies from the surrounding countryside in the presence of low temperatures and increased rainfall. Featuring the Black Forest rain that falls on a regular basis throughout the year Heights. However, temperatures do not fall evenly with increasing height, nor does it increase the rainfall uniformly. Instead, heavy rising rapidly even in low-lying areas and disproportionately heavy burden on the west side of the mountains Rainier.

The wettest areas of the highlands around the Hornisgrinde in the north and around the Belchen and Feldberg in the south, where annual rainfall reaches 1.800 to 2.100 mm. Western Atlantic unload loaded with moisture on the rain so much as is the case in the north of the Black Forest, despite the low height, than in the upper region of the southern Black Forest. There, acting as a shield regiment rain in the face of the prevailing wind. On the east side of the exposed Black Forest Central, it is drier again. Thus, the annual precipitation rate here is only about 750 liters / square meter in some places.

Thermally, it characterized by elevations of the Black Forest, a relatively small annual fluctuations and extreme values ​​on steam. This is due to light winds and frequent cloud cover increase this summer. During the winter months, frequent high pressure means that the peaks are often bathed in the light of the sun, while the valleys disappear under a thick blanket of fog as a result of air pockets cold (the temperature of the heart).

In ancient times, and was known as the Black Forest Mons Abnoba, after the Celtic god, Abnoba. In Roman times (Late Antiquity), called Marciana Silva name ( "Forest Marcynian", from the Germanic word Marca = "border"). Probably represents the Black Forest in the border region of Marcomanni ( "border people") who settled eastern Romania citric acid. They, in turn, was part of the Germanic tribe of suebi, who presented later in their name to the historic state Swabia. With the exception of Romania settlements in the vicinity (such as bathrooms in Badenweiler, mine near Badenweiler and Sulzburg) and construction of the Roman road from Kinzigtalstraße, it has not been implemented colonization of the Black Forest by the Romans, but by the Alemanni. First settled and colonized the valleys, and cross the border the old settlement, the so-called "border red sandstone," for example, from the bar area. Shortly thereafter, he was under the colonial highlands increasingly neighboring forests, so that by the end of the 10th century, it is possible that the first settlements in the area of ​​red sandstone (bunter). These include, for example, Rötenbach, which was mentioned for the first time in 819.

Some uprisings (including Bundschuh movement) that preceded the German Peasant War, originated in the 16th century from the Black Forest. More peasant uprisings disturbances in the form of rock salt, and took place over the next two centuries in the Hotzenwald.

The remains of military fortifications dating back to the 17th century and the 18 and can be found in the Black Forest, especially on the mountain pass. Examples include fieldworks Baroque multiple of Margrave Louis William of Baden-Baden or individual defensive positions, such as re-doubt Alexander, and Röschenschanze and Redoubt Swedish (Schwedenschanze).

Originally, the Black Forest was a mixed forest of deciduous trees and fir - see the history of the forest in Central Europe. In the highlands fir tree grew, too. In the middle of the 19th century, the Black Forest, which almost completely removed from the dense forests and cultivated later, mostly with spruce monocultures.

In 1990, and caused extensive damage to forests through hurricanes Vivian and Wiebke. At December 26, 1999, Hurricane Lothar broke through the Black Forest and caused greater damage, especially in spruce monocultures. As happened in the wake of storms in 1990, it was kept large amounts of trunks of deciduous trees in the temporary wet storage areas for years. And it showed the effects of the storm path Luther, educational and adventure trail in the forest in the middle of nature Ruhestein on mountain timber of about 10 hectares, which was destroyed by the hurricane forests.

Several areas of damage caused by storms, large and small, and left to nature and has evolved today to a mixed forest of natural again.

The main industry of the Black Forest is tourism. Black Forest Tourism resides there are about 140,000 jobs directly full-time in the tourism sector and about 34.8 million tourist stay overnight in 2009.

In the spring and summer and networks of hiking and biking through a broad fall to enable the various target groups to use the region's natural. They include winter sports on both the north and to the bottom of the ski that there are many facilities.

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