Saturday 30 April 2016

Pamukkale - Turkey

Pamukkale, meaning "cotton castle" in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli in southwest Turkey. Containing the city on hot springs and travertine deposits, terraces of carbonate minerals from flowing water points. It is located in the inner Aegean region of Turkey, in the Menderes River valley, which has a mild climate for most of the year.

Built ancient Greek and Romanian Byzantine city of Hierapolis on top of "the castle" white which is in total about 2700 meters (8860 feet) long, 600 meters (1970 feet) wide and 160 meters (525 feet) high. It can be seen from the hills on the other side of the valley in the city of Denizli 0.20 km.

The tourism is a major industry. People have bathed in pools for thousands of years. More recently, in the mid-20th century, it was built on the ruins of Hierapolis hotels, causing significant damage. The approach road from the valley to build the stands, allowing motorcycles to go up and down the slopes. When he declared a World Heritage area, hotels have been demolished and the road removed and replaced with artificial pools. Wear shoes in the water is prohibited to protect deposits.

Pamukkale terraces made of limestone, sedimentary rock deposited by water from the hot springs.

In this area, there are 17 hot water temperature ranges from 35 ° C springs (95 ° F) to 100 ° C (212 ° F). The water that comes out of the spring is moved 320 meters (1050 feet) to the President of the stands and deposits of calcium carbonate limestone on the Department of 60-70 meters (200-230 feet) covering the long expanse of 24 meters (79 feet) to 30 meters (98 Foot). When the water reaches, supersaturated with calcium carbonate, the surface, and carbon dioxide from the gases DVD, and Otoda calcium carbonate. Continue until the deposit of carbon dioxide in the water balance of carbon dioxide emissions in the air. And deposited calcium carbonate from the water as soft gel, but that hardens eventually limestone.

This interaction is affected as a result of weather conditions and the ambient temperature, and duration of flow. Rainfall continues until the carbon dioxide in the thermal water reaches equilibrium with the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Measurements made at the source of the springs find atmospheric levels of 725 mg / l carbon dioxide, at which time the flow of water through the travertine, the figure drops to 145 mg / l. Similarly, calcium carbonate fall of 1200 mg / l to 400 mg / L and calcium 576.8 mg / L to 376.6 mg / L. From these results and calculated that 499.9 mg of calcium carbonate CaCO3 and deposited on the limestone per liter of water. This means that the flow rate of 1 l / s of water are deposited 43,191 grams (1,523.5 ounces) per day. The average density of limestone is 1.48 g / CM3 which means deposit of 29.2 DM3. Given that the average water flow is 465.2 l / s this means that it can whiten 13,584 square meters (146,220 square feet) per day, but in fact the coverage area is difficult to achieve. These theoretical calculations indicate that up to 4.9 square kilometers (1.9 square miles) can be covered with white deposit of 1 mm (0.039 in) thickness.

It was demolished hotel, which was built in the 1960s as it was warm drain water in swimming pools, and caused damage to the stands. At present, water supply for hotels are limited and they need to deposit water used to supply to generate.

Access to the stands is not allowed and visitors are asked to follow the path. Because of the new regulations, allowing small gatherings only to be used.

In this museum, along with historical artifacts from Hierapolis, there are also artifacts from Laodiceia, Colossians, Tripolis, Attuda and other cities of the (Çürüksu) Valley Lycos. In addition, the museum has a large section devoted to archaeological pieces that were found in Beycesultan Hüyük that includes some of the most beautiful examples of Bronze Age craft.

Artifacts from areas Caria, Pisidia and Lydia are also on display in this museum. Exhibition space in the museum consists of three closed areas of the Hierapolis Bath and open areas on the eastern side which are known to have been used as a library and gymnasium. Artifacts in the exhibition open space are mostly marble and stone. It is broken down into the ruins of Hierapolis.

Pamukkale is a tourist attraction. It is recognized as a World Heritage Site together with Hierapolis. The Hierapolis-Pamukkale of World Heritage Sites in 1988.

Volcanic activity beneath the ground which causes the hot springs also forced carbon dioxide in the cave, which was called plutonium, which here means "place of the god Pluto." Cave religious purposes has been used by the priests of Cybele, who have found ways to show safe from suffocating gas.

Frogs can be found in pools.

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